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Isle of Wight Distillery Mermaid Gin coffret miniatures

CHF 35.00
CHF 23.33 / 100 ml

taille: 15cl

Quantité: 1

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    Numéro d'article: 1324200800
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    Les MERMAID GINS sont aromatisés par l’ISLE OF WIGHT DISTILLERY sur l’île du même nom avec des plantes issues de l’agriculture durable. La fraîche brise marine de la côte du sud de l’Angleterre y est capturée.
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    Isle of Wight Distillery
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    Contient 42% d'alcool
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    Fabriqué au Royaume-Uni
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    Produit à base d´autres matières premières
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    Vertrieb: Magazine zum Globus AG, Lintheschergasse 7, 8001 Zürich

À propos du producteur

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    ISLE OF WIGHT DISTILLERY was founded in 2014 by Xavier Baker & Conrad Gauntlett on the island of the same name off the south coast of England. For the production of their distillates they source as many ingredients as possible from the surrounding area, all products from further afield come from sustainable and ethical cultivation.


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    âge minimum légal pour consommation: 18 ans

Conseils dégustation

  • A déguster pur ou comme base dans le gin tonic ou dans les cocktails.

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    ISLE OF WIGHT DISTILLERY was founded in 2014 by Xavier Baker & Conrad Gauntlett on the island of the same name off the south coast of England. For the production of their distillates they source as many ingredients as possible from the surrounding area, all products from further afield come from sustainable and ethical cultivation.


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    contenu: 15 cl
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